A collection of existing
works on a subject is called a literature review. It
contains information found in books, scholarly articles, journals,
and other media that is pertinent to the research topics chosen.
Reviewing the literature enables the researcher to learn and grasp
the subject matter thoroughly. It aids researchers in determining
the distinctiveness of the method they have selected to solve their
article searches
- Database of More than 70 million papers downloaded from 25,000
journal source
- More than 10 million documents of research articles, chapters,
conference papers…
ONLINE LIBRARY - A Source of 1600+ journals, 22000+online
DIRECT - Articles from over 2,500 journals and more than
40,000 book titles
provides access to more than 12 million academic journal
articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines
- Google
Scholar - A free search engine which indexes the full text
or metadata of scholarly literature
- Semantic Scholar -
a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature,
based at the AllenInstitute for AI
- ResearchGate
- A social network dedicated to scientist and researcher
- Europe PMC -
A Free open science platform to access to a collection
of life science publications and preprints
- Taylor
& Francis - Search peer-reviewed journals and articles
- PubMed
- free resource supporting the search and retrieval of
biomedical and life sciences literature
- CrossRef
- Search the metadata of journal articles, books, standards,
datasets & more
- Mendeley
- Search articles and add them to your library
- Academia
- Article search
- SciELO-Brazil
- Online scientific electronics library with 303 journals
- World
Scientific - Collection of Articles from 140 journals and
12000 titles
- De Gruyter
- 1,300 new book titles each year and more than 900 journals
across the humanities and sciences
- Springer
Nature - Search articles published by the Springer Nature
- Deepdyve
- Search articles from various journal resources and downloading
needs members
database of e-prints from various disciplines
- Scientific.Net
- High quality research papers on science and engineering themes
published by Trans Tech PublicationsLtd
- CiteSeerX-
Scientific Literature Digital Library
Virtual Library - Archives with over 36,000 online papers,
and 1400 eBooks in civil and environmentalengineering and
materials science
- Hindawi -
Open access journals in Biological, Physical, Social,
Mathematical, Engineering and Medical Sciences
- SciELO-Brazil
- Scientific Electronic Library Online
Advanced Search to find article you are interested in and
understand how those publications are cited by others
- MDPI – MDPI is a leader in
open access publishing with more than 430 journals across all
research disciplines
- SHODHGANGA - A reservoir of Indian
- OATD - Resource for finding open access
graduate theses and dissertations published around the world
- Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech -
Digital repository of publications and other creative works by
members of the Michigan Tech community